Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Invention Of The Industrial Revolution - 912 Words

In late 1700s England ran out of wood. Wood was hugely vital to life in England because everything ran on wood, it helped people stay alive by not freezing to death because wood fueled their fires. When forests ceased to exist in England people needed to get creative, as it turns out Britain had large amounts of coal. Coal quickly became very important, and it was easy to access and just as easy to transport. Soon other life changing discoveries were made. The power loom was invented in England in 1787 and inventions such as the power loom were the kickstart to the industrial revolution. Before, everything was made by hand in Europe. Every single article of clothing was hand woven with painstaking time consuming detail, by 1850 Britain was producing 200 times more textiles than they had been 100 years previously. More inventions followed and new technology was rapidly taking over. Life altering and wondrous new inventions and discoveries were around every corner, previously the Stea m Engine was invented in 1775 (of which coal was the main heat source) and flushing toilets came about in 1778. Everyone was a part of the industrial revolution. Men, women, and children worked everyday in deplorable conditions to make just enough money to keep alive. The entire family unit needed to work to keep the family afloat. Women and children accounted for a 75% of the workforce because they were paid less; children could be paid as little as one sixth or a grown man’s wage and womenShow MoreRelatedInventions Of The Industrial Revolution958 Words   |  4 Pages The Industrial Revolution was an innovative period between the 1760s through the 1850s, making people go from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban lifestyle. Starting after year 1750, all the factors that, made Great Britain the best place for industrialization. The primary assessment that made it possible was the invention of machines that could do work that was previously done by hand. This allowed production to shift from inside homes into factories. During the industrialRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution975 Words   |  4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was based mainly upon the Cotton Industry , for most of the inventions created during that period were mainly for making and producing cotton. In the year 1773, there was a high demand for cotton cloth, but the production was low (mhirtostu.htm). This problem needed to be solved. The solution came from John Kay, a British weaver, who invented and fashioned the flying shuttle, which cut weaving time in half. John Kay was also a pioneer, and his new invention paved the wayRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1463 Words   |  6 Pagesthe 18th century. Prior to the 18th century and pre-industrial times, the way one sustained and obtained means for survival transformed fairly insufficiently. However, once the Industrial Revolution ignited throughout Europe, the course one’s of livelihood forever changed. While the Agricultural Revolution was a sufficient step forward in metamorphosing human society, it did not reign like the technological advantages of the industrial revolution. The introduction of mass production, steam enginesRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1585 Words   |  7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution is a period where people went from an agricultural society to an industrial society, meaning since the refinement of the steam engine, the invention of the internal combustion engine, the harnessing of electricity and t he construction of canals, railways and electric-power lines most jobs were in factories and all hand production methods were transited to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production. During the industrial Revolution women wanted to have rightsRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution2134 Words   |  9 Pagesredefine history. The Industrial Revolution was the great turning point in United States history. Never before in history had a period of growth been so great and so full of powerful sustaining change. As Nobel Prize Winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr. so aptly stated, For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth.... Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before. The Industrial Revolution was time period fromRead MoreThe Invention Of The First Industrial Revolution1391 Words   |  6 PagesThe First Industrial Revolution Envision living in a society dominated by factories that just recently transformed from arable land and farms. Imagine constantly hearing about brand new inventions and ideas that were deemed impossible only a few years ago. Visualize working long hours in cramped factories, in exchange for low pay and contagious diseases. For some people that lived during the age of industrialization, this was their reality of life. During the 18th and 19th century, the world wasRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1204 Words   |  5 PagesThe Industrial Revolution took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time mankind made the switch from hand-made to machine-made production methods. The steam engine, later replaced by the internal combustion engine, made this possible. The power source of these machines is burning fossil fuels, such as crude oil, natural gas, and coal. When fossil fuels are burnt, gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons a re released. These are known as greenhouse gasesRead MoreThe Inventions During the Industrial Revolution879 Words   |  4 Pagesof the Science and Technology of the Industrial Revolution. My historical analysis will be about the inventions during the Industrial Revolution. The three I will be focusing on: The Water Frame, The Improved Steam Engine and the Sewing Machine. All three of those inventions all offer some sort of Problem, Progress and Promise to the Industrial Revolution. I will be analyzing those three things. One of the first inventions during the Industrial Revolution is the Water Frame. It was invented byRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution3915 Words   |  16 PagesThe Industrial Revolution completely changed the course of human events ever since the first machines were created. All the advancements in technology that have led us to today’s modern machines couldn’t of been possible without the initial events that sparked the very first mechanical devices. Behind these very first devices was a power source, fossil fuels, whether it was coal for trains or eventually gasoline for cars. These resources seemed to power the world into a completely new era, oneRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Sparked Invention1349 Words   |  6 Pages ASSIGNMENT 1: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Mebin Mathews University of Wolverhampton 1227861 Introduction The industrial revolution sparked invention. Individuals and companies found new ways to make our lives easier. Even though the innovations help our everyday lives, we need to think about our future generations and what we are leaving behind for them. It is estimated that by 2050 we will run out of most of the metal resources. Metals are an essential part of us our

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Effects of Bullying on Academic Achievement Free Essays

THE EFFECT OF BULLYING ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF LEARNERS IN HIGH SCHOOL THE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Bullying has become a challenge that numerous schools are battling with. Olweus (1995), noted that bullying happens at schools during times when a person is exposed over and over again to negative behaviour which can be either verbal or physical to one or more learners. Olweus also noted that a bullying relationship requires an inequality of strength or power over the other person. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Bullying on Academic Achievement or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dillon and Lash (2005) made a similar explanation about bullying, showing that bullying involves repeated aggressive behaviour being done by learners who have seem to have an advantage in terms strength over their victims. Providing a precise definition as to what bullying is can be a bit difficult because bullying has evolved and continues to evolve with the societal changes taking place in the society that we now live in. With the new developments in technology, it creates more platforms for bullying to also develop and change. Cyberbullying is bullying that uses technology such as emails or social media platforms to taint and ruin the reputation of a person (Wong, 2009). Research has shown that bullying does have a bad effect on the victim physically and socially. Learners fear being bullied so much so that they would rather stay at home (Vail, 1999). Therefore, if bullying causes learners to become absent then the effect it has on academic performance can be assessed through learners grades, tardiness and absenteeism. A study performed by (Glew, Fan, Katon, Rivara and Kenric, 2005) pointed out that victims and bullies were prone to having poor academic achievement than by-standers. There are also emotional effects that are caused by bullying, it causes so much stress for the victim that it ends up showing through physical symptoms, which then leads to the increase in absenteeism of the learner. Those physical effects of bullying experienced by learners or the victim of bullying along with other psychological issues caused by bullying leads to the poor academic performance. Canter (2005) confirms bullying is a present-day phenomenon in most schools in the United States and is said to affect over 70% of learners (as cited in Beaty Alexyev, 2008). Several researchers, Borg (1999), Boulton Underwood (1992) and Olweus (1993), assert learners that are victims of bullying have lasting emotional, academic, and behavioural problems (as cited in Whitted Dupper, 2005, p.167). A recent study has shown that when learners are teased and bullied frequently the learners lose interest in school, and this then affects learners commitment and also their involvement in school activities (Mehta, Cornell, Fan, Gregory, 2013).It has been reported by principals and teachers that when the school environment is seen as a negative place to be by the learners, it leads to poor school achievement (Cornell, Gregory, Huang, Fan, 2013; Johnson Stevens, 2006; Kon- ishi, Hymel, Zumbo, Li, 2010; MacNeil, Prater, Busch, 2009; Ripski Gregory, 2009). Bradshaw et al. (2007) found that over 49% of learners said that they have been bullied, while over 70% of learners witnessed bullying. While boys bully their victims physically, girls bully their victims through gossip, spreading rumours, or excluding them from social groups (Peckham, 2007). The Statement of the Research Problem Bullying is a problem that affects all learners either as the person being bullied, the victim, or by-stander. Bullying can take many forms from verbal to physical assaults, threats, jokes or language, being mocked and criticized, to being insulted or given funny facial expressions. These factors work either individually or together in leading to a learners being bullied. Bullying has several impacts in the school and one those is the impact it has on academic achievement. For many years now evidence has shown that bullying does have a negative influence on a learners well-being. With so many learners experiencing the effects of being bullied, many schools in the province have decided to act on the problem. The effects of bullying within the school environment and persistent pressure from legislators and the community as a whole for an increase in the academic performance of learners, is a concern for school administrators, teachers and the parents. This research aims to investigate the link between bullying and the academic performance of learners. Research questions/Hypotheses How does bullying affect the academic performance of learners? Does bullying have an effect on the academic performance of learners? What are the forms of bullying that take place at the school? What are the effects of bullying on the victims, the bullies, by-standers and the school environment? What are the characteristics of a bully? Purpose of the Study The aim of this study is to investigate the effect that bullying has on the academic performance of learners’ achievement in schools. The more we are informed about bullying in schools the better equipped the school and district will be and also the school leaders will be able to minimize the bullying from taking place and bring about changes that are positive to the schools, district and also the community. There is evidence that bullying is a serious problem for schools and this has been found in professional literature and the local setting. The goal of this study is to provide better understanding of the effects of bullying on the academic performance of learners in the school district. The Significance of the Study Bullying is a problem that affects many learners lives. Problems linked with bullying have grown over time due to the increased access to technology and social media allowing more opportunities of cyberbullying (Patechin ; Hinduja,2006).Bullying is complicated and is linked to cultural, social, family and personal aspects of our lives (Pepler et al.,2006). This study attempts to reveal the nature of the relationship between bullying and academic achievement with the use of multiple regression technique and examine whether academic performance levels can be predicted by the frequency of bullying in a given school district. This study is aimed to at helping the district and the schools to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the frequency of bullying in a school and learners academic performance. Definition of Key Terms Academic performance: The extent to which a student , teacher or an institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Bully: A person who intentionally causes harm to another person whet Bullying: Repeated aggressive verbal or physical behaviour with the intention of harming or hurting another person. This happens frequently and involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim. By-stander: A person who sees the act of bullying taking place. Learner: A person who is learning a skill or subject Victim: A learner who is harassed by another learner or a group of learners two, three or more learners leading to suffering physical or psychological harm. Delimitation of the Study The study only includes incidents that were reported in the school district and will be based only on high schools in Bloemfontein. Participation in this study will be delimited to Grade 10 learners and their teachers. The amount of unreported bullying is beyond the scope of this study. Bullying might affect other variables but for this study only academic achievement will be measured. How to cite The Effects of Bullying on Academic Achievement, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Factor to Determine the Breakeven Point-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Determine break even in the Service Industry describe how the service Industry projects its profit and loss. How does it work out the income it needs to make? Answer: Breakeven refers of the point of sales where all the cost has been recovered without any profit. So it can be said that breakeven it the point of sales quantity (in units) or revenue (amount) that is essential to need the variable and fixed expenses of the company. Any quantity below this point will lead to loss. The profit at breakeven sales is always zero (Horngren, 2009). The formula to calculate the breakeven is: Fixed Cost/Contribution margin ratio So it is essential to have information on sales revenue, variable cost and fixed cost incurred in any company. There are different categories of revenue and cost associated according to the type of industry. So it can be said that profit and loss is the deciding factor to determine the breakeven point. In service industry there are revenue generated through sales of service supplies as it is not in case of manufacturing industries where the sales of goods is the deciding factor. So the main items of the sales revenue in case of service industry are gross amount received to provide such services and any other incomes as a part of business activities (Coombs, Hobbs and Jenkins, 2005). Cost of goods sold or expenses can be divided into two parts variable and fixed. Variable expenses can be raw material used to render such services, labour implied to provide such services, shipping cost, and sales commission. Fixed expenses can be salaries paid to employees, rent, telephone expenses and utilities expenses. So breakeven for service industry will be same as above formula but it is beneficial to calculate the breakeven in amount not in number in number of services rendered. References Coombs, H., Hobbs, D. and Jenkins, E. 2005. Management Accounting: Principles and Applications. SAGE. Horngren, C. T. 2009. Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis. Pearson Education India.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Shia Islamist Group Hezbollah

Hezbollah is a Shi’a Islamist group particularly active in Lebanon politics through the control of major social, political and economic aspects of the country (Norton 1). Hezbollah has been commonly known to provide basic social services like building schools, hospitals, and other similar amenities. Apart from this social outfit, Hezbollah is widely known as a political and resistant movement throughout the Arab world and indeed even in Western nations (Norton 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Shi’a Islamist Group Hezbollah specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Arab world is extensively divided on whether to support the group’s activities but countries such as Syria and Iran have openly come out in support of the group while countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan have expressed outright condemnation of the group (Norton 2). Even in the Western world, Hezbollah has not been correctly classified as either a political or terrorist group because European nations have hesitated to list it as a terrorist group while America has openly come out to condemn it as a terrorist group (Norton 3). Even as these conflicting opinions take centre stage in international politics, Hezbollah is actually known as a political outfit which emerged as a resistance movement for Lebanon when the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 1982 (Norton 2). The existence of the movement has therefore been largely inspired by the liberation of Lebanon from Israel with Norton interpreting its manifesto as constituting â€Å"Israel’s final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration; ending imperialist powers in Lebanon; submission of the Phalangists to â€Å"just rule† and bringing them to trial for their crimes, and giving the people the chance to choose with full freedom the system of government they want† (5). These goals were formulated without shyi ng away from the fact that Hezbollah does not hide its commitment to the rule of Islam. Initially, Hezbollah was a small movement made up of untrained militia but it is surprising to note that the group has now evolved into a political movement with a substantial representation in the Lebanese government.Advertising Looking for research paper on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In fact, some of the group’s members occupy 11 cabinet seats out of a possible 30 seats in the Lebanese government (Norton 11). The movement now owns a radio station and satellite television stations which are commonly used to marshal up local support and promote programs of social development (Norton 12). The group now commands a strong following among the Shi’a Islamist population and also within Lebanese borders because most people believe the group represents and fights for Lebanese interests (Norton 3). This support especially surged right after the 2006 Lebanese war. Most of the group’s financial support has been sourced from the Syrian and Iranian government but a significant degree of financial support is also sought from donations by the Lebanese citizens and sympathizers of the Shi’a Muslim group (Norton 15). As a result, the movement has been able to strengthen its army since the early 2000s even though Israel, through United Nation (UN), asserted that it had already left Lebanon. Currently, the government of Lebanon acknowledges that Hezbollah is an armed military organization that seeks to repossess all occupied lands from Israel (Norton 2). From the understanding of the existence of Hezbollah, we can understand the numerous comments made by Hezbollah leaders that Israel should be destroyed because it is allegedly a Zionist entity and has deprived Lebanon of its ancestral land for decades (Norton 4). As a result of the growing strength of the Lebanese forces and the appare nt withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon territory, this study seeks to establish the eminent threat Hezbollah poses to Israel. Military Activities As noted earlier in this study, Hezbollah has now been acknowledged as an armed resistance movement. Currently, Hezbollah has a military wing known as Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya which is quite dangerous because it is believed to sponsor more miniature military groups such as Organization of the Oppressed, the revolutionary justice organization and other smaller military organizations which subscribe to the Jihad movement also guiding the activities of Hezbollah (Dershowitz 22). These groups are largely armed even after the United Nation resolution of 1559 which recommended the disarmament of Hezbollah and its subsidiary forces. Hezbollah has in the past opposed this resolution and subsequent conflicts (especially the conflict with Israel in 2006) further legitimize its position to hold on to its weapons (Dershowitz 12). The organization has th erefore fought attempts to disarm it (in violation of UN recommendations) and since such rebellion has been evidenced, Israel (and even Hezbollah) has affirmed that the group has tremendously increased its military strength (Norton 21).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Shi’a Islamist Group Hezbollah specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Opinion polls taken after the 2006 Lebanese – Israel conflict noted that most Shi’a Muslims believed that Hezbollah should still be armed but a significant majority of the Sunni, Druze, and Christians believed that the group should be disarmed (Norton 45). However, Hezbollah sources its armed security from the support it is given by the Lebanese cabinet which is of the opinion that they should remained armed because their core mandate is to liberate Lebanese lands from the Israelites (Norton 3). Recent reports cited from assertions by top Hezbollah aut horities confirm that Hezbollah now has more rockets than it did in 2006 (Sieff 67). Amid the entire melee characterizing Hezbollah’s military strength, it is not correctly estimated how strong Hezbollah is, in armed strength. However, claims by the security director of the Dubai based Gulf Research institute notes that Hezbollah currently has about 1,000 full time military men while there are another 6,000 – 10,000 military men working on a voluntary basis (Nasr 87). Among the military arsenal Hezbollah possesses are the Katyusha- 122 rockets which can cause destruction 18 miles away from the place of launch and long-range missiles which can attack targets up to 47 miles away from the point of launch (Dershowitz 33). These weapons have been noted to have the strength of attacking Israel’s ports of Haifa and Zelzal-1 which are approximately 93 miles away from the Lebanon border (Nasr 36). Apparently, these arsenals can also attack central points in Israel such a s Tel Aviv. The Iranian made missiles, Fajir-3 also have the potential of attacking targets which are 25 miles away while the Fajir-5 missiles (also in possession of Hezbollah) can also attack targets as far as 45 miles way (Dershowitz 37). Some sources also note that the Hezbollah are in possession of the Scud missiles which were allegedly supplied by Syria but Syria has strongly come out to deny such allegations (Nasr 33). Other sources note that Hezbollah is in possession of anti tank guided missiles which are described by Nasr as â€Å"Russian-made AT-3 Sagger, AT-4 Spigot, AT-5 Spandrel, AT-13 Saxhorn-2 ‘Metis-M’, AT-14 Spriggan ‘Kornet’; Iranian-made Ra’ad (version of AT-3 Sagger), Towsan (version of AT-5 Spandrel), Toophan (version of BGM-71 TOW); and European-made MILAN missiles† (78). These weapons were used to kill a lot of Israeli defense force soldiers in the 2006 Lebanese war but the Iranian made Saeghe-2 were also used to kill a lot of Israeli soldiers in the same war.Advertising Looking for research paper on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, Hezbollah is also in possession of anti aircraft missiles, including the ZU-23 artillery among other deadly weapons such as SA 7, SA 18, C-802 anti-ship missiles which were some of the most deadly and effective weapons ever used in the history of Hezbollah (Norton 53). In response to this strong military strength, the United States (US) secretary of defense made assertions that Hezbollah harbors more rockets and missiles than many countries with a legitimate army (Nasr 71). Fingers were also pointed at Iran and Syria with allegations that they were supplying Hezbollah with such weapons. Syria on the other hand has reiterated that it does not supply Hezbollah with such weapons and such allegations were directed towards coming up with an excuse to attack Syria (Dershowitz 37). Israel also shares the same opinion with the US; purporting that Hezbollah has up to 15,000 long-range missiles stationed at its border with Israel and some of them have the capability of attacking targets as far away as Eilat (Dershowitz 77). Israel’s ambassador to the US (cited in Dershowitz 88) said that: â€Å"the Syrian-Iranian backed Hezbollah poses a very serious threat to Israel†¦Hezbollah today now has four times as many rockets as it had during the 2006 Lebanon war. These rockets are longer-range. Every city in Israel is within range right now; including Eilat† (Dershowitz 88). The Israel defense forces have further accused Hezbollah of storing these military arsenals beneath public institutions such as hospitals and schools (Dershowitz 78). Public Support In as much as Hezbollah carries out sporadic attacks on Israel; there is a significant degree of public support especially from the Lebanese population who support attacks against Israel (Dershowitz 87). These sentiments are also held by a great part of the Arab world who view Hezbollah as a legitimate resistance movement meant to liberate the Lebanese from extreme Israeli oppression (Norton 8). The Beirut centre for Research and information through a survey done at the height of the 2006 Lebanese conflict reported that about 87% of the Lebanese population supported Hezbollah’s attack on Israel (Dershowitz 121). This was a 29% increase on the same polls carried out less than a month before the current polls (Dershowitz 121). This therefore means that Hezbollah has been receiving continued support form its locals; meaning that its military strength is likely to double and its legitimacy further supported throughout the Arab world. Interestingly, Hezbollah has also continued to enjoy legitimate support even from non-shi’a Muslims including the Christians who exhibit an 80% support for Hezbollah; the Sruze who exhibit an 80 % support for Hezbollah and the Sunnis who exhibit an 89% support for the movement (Dershowitz 122). Recent research studies carried out on Lebanese adults points out that a slight majority of Lebanese adults (6%) support the disarming of Hezb ollah (Dershowitz 121). Respondents from the Gaza strip and West bank also reported that they held a good opinion of Hezbollah, while Jordan respondents approved, with a 60% validation, of Hezbollah as a legitimate Lebanese resistant movement (Dershowitz 121). Interestingly, only about 5% of all Jordan respondents thought Hezbollah was a terrorist group (Dershowitz 121). In July 2006, USA today carried out a survey on Americans and reported that about 83% of Americans blamed Hezbollah, either in whole or in part, for the 2006 Lebanese conflict as opposed to 63% who blamed Israel to some degree (Dershowitz 121). There also seemed to be a biased support on the part of Americans with regards to military action because 76% of respondents condemned Hezbollah’s military action in Israel as opposed to 31% who condemned Israel’s military action in Lebanon (Dershowitz 121). Other studies carried out by CNN reported that about 69% of Americans thought Hezbollah was an enemy of t he US (Dershowitz 121). From the above trend, we can establish that Hezbollah enjoys considerable support from Lebanon, Syria and most Arab states although its strongest critic is the US. The support the group is receiving in the Arab world could potentially increase the threat Israel faces from the group and it could also possibly lead to a more disastrous conflict than the ones experienced in the past. In addition, Hezbollah continues to enjoy good foreign relations with historic Israel and US enemies such as Iran and Syria. Most notably, Hezbollah enjoyed a good relationship with president Haffez of Syria who died. Now, the same relationship is still nurtured under his son Basar Al – Hassad (Dershowitz 15). More dangerous is the links Hezbollah enjoys with terrorist groups such as Hamas, The Sunni Palestinian Group and more recently, Al Qaeda (Dershowitz 15). The relationship among the groups largely revolves around military support and the facilitation of military trainin g. The inter-link of possible terror groups poses an even more eminent danger for Israel through interlinked resistance. In fact, the support Hezbollah has of the Al-Aqsa Intifada war is evidence enough that Hezbollah has the ability of sourcing support from other similar-minded organizations (Norton 44). The US also shares these beliefs by purporting that Hezbollah is in constant communication with low-level Al Qaeda leaders who left Afghanistan and now reside in Lebanon (Norton 44). Dalit and Tamar Gas Fields The assertions by Hezbollah leaders that it was going to attack Israel if it utilized the economic potential in the Dalit and Tamar gas fields expose the tension between the two states and the potential agility Hezbollah has on Israel (Norton 48). This region is potentially regarded by the Hezbollah as part of Lebanon although it is only 50 miles to the West of an Israeli town, Haifa (Norton 47). Hezbollah’s leadership has often warned that it would not hesitate to use military force to protect its natural resources at the economic zone if Israel attempts to use this natural resource. Funding Though Hezbollah officials purport that their primary source of funding has been through donations from Muslims across the world, there is a deep cause for concern that the continual funding of Hezbollah from unknown sources potentially increases the threat Hezbollah has on its enemies; including Israel. Of course, Iran has been exclusively singled out as providing Hezbollah with military and political support but the US estimates that Hezbollah enjoys monetary funding from Iran, to the tune of $60 – $100 million annually (Sieff 91). Other unconfirmed reports purport that Hezbollah enjoys financial assistance to the tune of $200 million annually (Sieff 91). Nonetheless, Iran claims that its funding has been centered on providing support to the Lebanese health care system, education system and the support of war widows (Sieff 91). Interesting is the fa ct that Hezbollah controls a great part of these institutions and either implicitly or explicitly, this money can easily find its way into Hezbollah’s hands. More funding is also said to be sourced from South America and from wealthy Shiites who live in the Diaspora (including America and Europe). The US also claims that Hezbollah has continually been able to counterfeit the US dollar and this has potentially helped them accumulate up to $10 million annually (Sieff 91). Some reports have also cited extortion as a means of funding Hezbollah; especially in Paraguay where the US claims the group gets approximately $10 million or more annually (Sieff 91). Hezbollah has also been known to support certain worldwide criminal gangs which remit extortion money back to the organization. Operation Smoke Screen, a US governmental initiative, has in the past identified that Hezbollah raises funds through a cigarette smuggling syndicate in America (Norton 99). Other reports advanced by the Los Angeles times report that Hezbollah has been receiving money through a cocaine drug trafficking scheme and a money laundering ring which remits 12 % of all profits acquired towards funding Hezbollah’s activities (Sieff 95). Collectively, this monetary support sourced from all quarters of Hezbollah’s operations fuel the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict because Hezbollah is by all means sourcing its money to purchase more lethal weapons; recruit and train more military personnel to boost its military strength. These efforts are likely to pose a big challenge to Israeli forces because it could double the threat Hezbollah possibly has on Israel (which is its biggest enemy). Ideology, Attitudes and Actions against Israel Since the formation of Hezbollah as a resistance movement, the â€Å"death† of Israel has been one of its core goals (Norton 2). In fact, a translation of Hezbollah’s 1985 manifesto points out that Hezbollah will only seize to exist once Israel is eliminated (Norton 2). In this manner, the group has even gone as far as asserting that the group will never accept any treaty, cease fire, or peace agreements with Israel; meaning that the only way, the group can seize to exist is if Israel is eliminated from the face of the earth (Norton 3). This ideology is largely held by Hezbollah as the only way Middle East can attain lasting peace. Hezbollah therefore considers the existence of Israel as unlawful and illegitimate (Norton 13). More complicating is the fact that Hezbollah’s influence has infiltrated the Lebanese government and therefore any efforts to come up with a long lasting agreement with Israel will be thwarted by Hezbollah’s officials in government. This belief is strongly held because Hezbollah believes that Israel’s existence is based on falsehoods, illusions and massacres (Nasr 16). Israel’s occupation of Sheba farms and the existence of Lebanese prisoners in Israel furthers mounts the hostility between the two countries. This fact has been identified as the reason why Hezbollah has never retracted even after Israel left Lebanon in the year 2000. Hezbollah’s spokesperson Hassan Ezedin (cited in Nasr 19) affirms that: â€Å"The Hezbollah campaign to rid Shebaa of Israeli troops is a pretext for something larger.’If they go from Shebaa, we will not stop fighting them,† he told [the New Yorker]. ‘Our goal is to liberate the 1948 borders of Palestine, †¦The Jews who survive this war of liberation can go back to Germany or wherever they came from.’ He added, however, that the Jews who lived in Palestine before 1948 will be ‘allowed to live as a minority and they will be cared for by the Muslim majority† The ideology held by Hezbollah is therefore inclined towards the elimination of Israel at all costs. Since this sort of attitude is shared among many Hezbollah members and indeed the Arab world, the threat of Hezbollah on Israel is likely to increase. Most unfortunate is the fact that Hezbollah vows to attack Israel by all means because of its belief that Israel will collapse under the pressure of suicide bombings since it is more vulnerable than previously thought (Nasr 119). This ideology is held because Hezbollah believes that Israel’s reverence for life; its hedonistic nature and subscription to Western ideals make it very vulnerable to Hezbollah’s hard-line stand on important matters. This they believe is the underlying factor why Israel will crumble under continued war and bloodshed (Nasr 119). With this type of ideology in existence, Israel faces an unrelenting threat from Hezbollah. Conclusion Hezbollah’s threat to Israel continues to mount by the day due to its growing military strength. Considering Hezbollah started as a resistance movement, much of its legitimacy has been sourced from this fact. However, even if Hezbollah has changed its outfit from a resistance mov ement to a terrorist group, it remains increasingly difficult to brand it as so because of its roots. The continued public support the group now enjoys within its own country and partially from the Arab world increases the threat Israel faces because Hezbollah continues to receive acclamations even if it does certain wrongs to other nations. Most notable is Iran and Syria’s support for the movement because they have continually financed the group in monetary and military means. The aggressive nature characteristic of Hezbollah can also be traced to the negative ideology and beliefs the group holds of Israel. In this manner, Hezbollah’s threat in Israel is unrelenting because the primary goal of Hezbollah’s existence is the elimination of Israel. This therefore means that the threat of Hezbollah on Israel will continually be there so long as Israel exists. This study therefore identifies that Hezbollah’s existence poses a great threat to Israel’s ex istence in an unquantifiable manner. Works Cited Dershowitz, Alan. The Case against Israel’s Enemies. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons, 2009. Print. Nasr, Vali. The Shia Revival: How Conflicts Within Islam Will Shape The Future. New York: Norton, 2007. Print. Norton, Augustus. Hezbollah: A Short History. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press, 2009. Print. Sieff, Martin. The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East. Washington D.C.: Regenny Publishing Inc, 2008.  Print. This research paper on The Shi’a Islamist Group Hezbollah was written and submitted by user Green Heron to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Quotes from Idi Amin Dada, A President of Uganda

Quotes from Idi Amin Dada, A President of Uganda Idi Amin was the president of Uganda between 25 Jan 1971 to 13 April 1979, and he is widely considered one of the most brutal leaders in the history of the world. He is estimated to have tortured, killed, or imprisoned somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 of his opponents. According to a  Sunday Times of 27 July 2003 entitled A Clown Drenched in Brutality, Amin gave himself several titles throughout his reign, including His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji, Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular. The Idi Amin quotes listed below were taken from books, newspapers, and magazines reporting on his speeches, interviews, and telegrams to other state officials. 1971–1974 I am not a politician but a professional soldier. I am, therefore, a man of few words and I have been brief through my professional career.Idi Amin, president of Uganda, from his first speech to the Ugandan nation in January 1971. Germany is the place where when Hitler was the prime minister and supreme commander, he burned over six million Jews. This is because Hitler and all German people knew that Israelis are not people who are working in the interest of the world and that is why they burned the Israelis alive with gas in the soil of Germany.Idi Amin, president of Uganda, part of a telegram sent to Kurt Waldheim, UN Secretary-General, and Golda Meir, Israeli premier, on 12 Sept 1972. I am the hero of Africa.Idi Amin, president of Uganda, as quoted in Newsweek 12 March 1973. While wishing you a speedy recovery from the Watergate affair, may I, Excellency, assure you of my highest respect and regard.President Idi Amin of Uganda, message to U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, on July 4, 1973, as reported in The New York Times, 6 July 1973. 1975–1979 Sometimes people mistake the way I talk for what I am thinking. I never had any formal education- not even nursery school certificate. But, sometimes I know more than Ph.D.s because as a military man I know how to act, I am a man of action.Idi Amin as quoted in Thomas and Margaret Meladys Idi Amin Dada: Hitler in Africa, Kansas City, 1977. I do not want to be controlled by any superpower. I myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world, and that is why I do not let any superpower control me.Idi Amin, president of Uganda, as quoted in Thomas and Margaret Meladys Idi Amin Dada: Hitler in Africa, Kansas City, 1977. Like the Prophet Mohammed, who sacrificed his life and his property for the good of Islam, I am ready to die for my country.From Radio Uganda and attributed to Idi Amin in 1979, as reported in Amin, Living by the Gun, Under the Gun,   The New York Times, 25 March 1979.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Subject and Object Questions Lesson Plans for ESL

Subject and Object Questions Lesson Plans for ESL Asking direct questions is usually one of the more difficult tasks for learners of English. This is principally due to the fact that English inverts its subject and auxiliary  verb in the interrogative form. Once this standard structure is learned, students need to also master the subject question. The following lower-intermediate to intermediate lesson focuses on helping students learn to recognize and employ both types of direct questions. Subject and Object Questions Lesson Plan Aim: Asking direct subject questions, recognizing the difference between subject and object questions Activity: Jumbled questions followed by question pair work employing both subject and object questions with who, what and which Level: Lower-intermediate to intermediate Outline: Activate student knowledge of asking questions by having students ask each other questions in class.If necessary, quickly go over standard question structure (? word auxiliary verb subject principle ver B) on the board in a variety of tenses. Remember to point out that the verb to be is an exception.Write a subject question such as: Who married Tom? on the board. Ask students why this question doesnt follow the standard format.Discuss the difference between a subject and object question with students. Make sure to include examples with who, what and which.Put students in pairs or small groups and ask them to complete the jumbled questions.Correct the exercise in class making sure that students have understood the difference between subject and object questions.Have students pair up and give each pair a Student A and Student B sheet.Have students complete sheets asking each other for any missing information.To follow-up ask students to write a number of subject and object questions as homework. Asking Questions Put the following words in order to make a question. Remember to conjugate the verbs and add an auxiliary verb if required. he/who/visit/last week/which/car/kind of/300 k.p.h/gohim/invite/who/dinner/to/yesterdaywhat/you/tv/buybook/they/read/which/for/classwho/ask/question/the Ask your partner questions to fill in the missing information ​ Student A _____ (who) bought a new car last week. It is a beautiful new Cadillac. He bought the car because __________ (why). My father has driven a Cadillac for many years. _____ (who) says its the kind of car that people respect. In fact, _______ (who) have always driven Cadillacs. I remember that ________ (who) used to drive a Cadillac. When my _____ (who) first met Elvis, he saw that he was driving a ________ (what). It was then that my father decided to buy a _______ (what). ​ Student B My Father bought a ______ (what) last week. It is a beautiful new _______ (what kind of car). He bought the car because he says its the best car in the world. _____ (who) has driven a Cadillac for many years. My father says its the kind of car that ________ (what kind of car). In fact, rich and famous people have always driven _____ (what). I remember that Elvis Presley used to drive a _____ (what). When my father first met _____ (who), he saw that he was driving a pink Cadillac. It was then that _________ (who) decided to buy a Cadillac.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Application for a doctorate program in special education Personal Statement

Application for a doctorate program in special education - Personal Statement Example One thing that brings great contentment in somebody’s life is getting the opportunity to pursue one’s path that later enables him/her to see his or her aspirations become a reality. More specifically, attaining one’s academic objectives and ultimately being able to utilize the gained knowledge towards positive contribution in one’s area of specialty is great success. This is a key driving force in persons’ lives, including mine. I am requesting for a chance to participate in a doctorate program in Special Education, not because I have a yearning for a master program graduate title, but because I have a passion of delving into this field thus accomplishing my career objectives – to teach, become an administrator in the educational field and eventually teach special education practitioners at the university level. I also aspire to guarantee high performance in my area of specialization to the best of my interest and that of the public by employ ing my skills directed by integrity and accountability for progressive competence. My educational background has greatly given me exposure to invaluable essential knowledge, which will give me great backing once I enroll for this program. I possess a Masters of Arts in Special Education w/ a concentration in Autism with an overall GPA of 3.52, which is perchance the most powerful facet of my application.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Government grants for alternative energy research Proposal - 1

Government grants for alternative energy - Research Proposal Example Because of this, it is important for the United States to find alternative means of energy that are sustainable, and that create less dependence on foreign oil and other fossil fuels. President Obama has instituted a variety of measures that will cut down on the carbon emissions that influence climate change (Obama, 2010). Many people suggest that without an alternative method of fuel, the nation as we know it will change. Al Gore has presented information about how global warming is influencing the world as it is known today, and suggests that something must be done in order to slow the process down. Shown in these descriptions are the facts that there are many issues that must be addressed when looking at the world and how it currently uses fuel. If sustainable energies can be discovered and used, the world would be able to sustain itself better in the long run. Specific Claim Alternative fuels can promote a healthier environment and can create a more sustainable world. With the he lp of government grants to sponsor climate research, many more researchers can have the opportunity to identify those fuels that could help the environment. The discovery of these grants will be an opportunity to understand who is eligible to help in this endeavor and the amount of money that is being presented. Justification of The Claim Since President Obama took office, sustainable fuels have been a concern.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jesus Christ of dance Essay Example for Free

Jesus Christ of dance Essay Doris Humphrey, born October 17, 1895 and died December 29, 1958, legend lives on today. Doris was one of several original modern choreographers. Born in a musical family, her mother taught piano lessons. Doris took dance variety of dance lessons in Chicago. Her birth place was Oak Park, IL. She began her teaching/choreography when her mother opened a dance studio. Doris was 15 years old when she began teaching dance. The dance studio opened to financially support the family. Later, she taught modern dance to community colleges. Juilliard dance program originated with her. Her father was an aspiring photographer and hotel manager. Almost all early modern choreographers studied as Denishawn dancers. The Denishawn California based dance company was founded by Ruth St Dennis and Ted Shawn. From 1918-1928, Doris danced as a principal for Denishawn. Many dancers left Denishawn when Ted Shawn made a controversial remark. One day, outspoken Martha Graham reminded him he was not Jesus Christ. Ted Shawn said he was Jesus Christ. He is the Jesus Christ of dance. Quite a few offended dancers left the company at once. In 1928, Charles Weidman and Humphrey left Denishawn starting their own dance company. The new dance company was name the Weidman-Humphrey dance company. Ted Shawn’s most famous work is Jacobs Pillow. Humphrey had original ideas about dance technique. Modern choreographers are not known to follow tradition. â€Å"Her work embodied the work of Americanist Spirit of individualism† (Debanham, Kathi, Pat, From the Ground Up). Many of her dances emphasized America. In many ways, modern dance rebels against traditional ballet. Almost all modern dancers have years of thorough ballet training. Ballet training comes through in all dancers in performances and class. Doris’s choreography, like all modern dance, is not made to be presentable. Modern dance is not even made to be proper. Modern dance displays non-human strength moves. Viewers really must pay attention to the choreography. Very advanced professional ballet dancers usually perform in short tutus. Advanced modern dancers wear full length skirts. Modern dancer’s technique while performing full length extensions are noticed when the dancers center is straight, and her knee easily touches or goes beyond her ear. Extreme balance, flexibility and strength exhibitions fill professionally choreographed modern dance performances. The only way an untrained dancer understands movements involved is to attempt to copy the choreography. Modern dance movement looks very simple. There are many fakes teaching modern dance today, especially in colleges and universities. This is obvious reading dance magazine articles, written by university professors describing dance technique. Rhythm and breathing was the base of Humphreys choreography. She spent hours exploring how breathing and rhythm works. Her choreography originated with breathing. Breathing exercises progressed to contraction and release. â€Å"All life fluctuates between resistance to and yielding to gravity† (Humphrey, Art of Making Dances). Humphreys greatest contribution to modern dance is fall and recovery technique. Grahams contraction and release technique inspired Humphreys fall and recovery technique. In ballet class, dancers hold constant tension, constant lengthening of the spine and limbs. In Humphey’s dances, the choreography extends with proper ballet technique, (sustained flow) hits a distinct movement destination, (sharp accent). Unexpectingly, the dancers collapse (rest). She related this to birth. The recovery, or release, is when the baby is born. Modern choreographers tend to design original dance techniques from their own interpretation of life’s beginning and ending. Doris Humphrey’s company ended in 1942. She then became the artistic director for Jose Limon. Limon danced in Humphrey’s company. Humphrey Choreographed over eighty dances. Some of these are: Modern-Ballet Color Harmony, 1928; Water Study 1928; The Shakers, 1931; Day on Earth 1947; Water Study is one of her most amazing works. Audiences loved it. â€Å"Dance Magazine described it as ‘a work that astounded critics and audiences alike with its synchronized, moving-wave forms, from calm lapping on a beach to a crashing tempest’ † (Texas State Library Commissions). Other choreographers at this time were Katherine Dunham, Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, Paul Taylor. Dance is hardly a lucrative profession. Doris lived most of her life through financial hardships. Political events influenced Doris’s financial struggles. â€Å"A worldwide depression began with the October 1929 U. S. stock market crash. International bankruptcies and closing of credit unions closed many jobs. Government public works programs no longer existed. † (Paraphrased, Rise of Totalitarians, 2007). Right before her death, she wrote The Art of Making Dances. Her contributions to the dance world goes farther than fall and recovery technique and her last book. Art of Making Dances is the most significant contribution Humphrey is known for. She died in New York City on *December 29, 1958. *Dates and other facts are not consistent. Apparently, Art of Making Dances were a collection of her notes that was donated to performing arts libraries after her death. Notes; Debenham, Pat, and Kathie Debenham. From the Ground Up: Doris HumphreyModernist, Americanist, Artist. Interdisciplinary Humanities 21. 1 (2004): 78-86. Academic Search Premier. 10 April 2007. http://search. ebscohost. com. Doris Humphrey, Art of Making Dances, Dance Horizons, Copyright in 1959, 1987. Editorial, Doris Humphrey 1895-1958 Texas State Library Archives and Commission, http://galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/LitRC? vrsn=3OP=containslocID=txshrpub200866srchtp=athrca=1c=1ste=6tab=1tbst=arpai=U13706243n=10docNum=H1000149358ST=Doris+HumphreybConts=2191 Editorial, Rise of Totalitarians: 1930-39. World Almanac Book of Facts (2005): 520. Middle Search Plus. 11 April 2007. http://search. ebscohost. com.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Microsoft IT Certification Tracks :: essays research papers

Introduction: The Microsoft IT1 certification tracks, is a complete program that provides students with the Internet technology skills essential in a universal economy. Microsoft Certifications delivers class-based learning, online examinations, student follow ups, labs, instructor training and support. Launched in 1995 in the USA, the Microsoft Certifications spread to more than 200 countries and all over the United States and Canada. Over 1.000.000 students have enrolled at more than 16000 training centers. Microsoft trains the training Centers on how to train teachers how to train student the Microsoft tracks. Microsoft’s partners from business, government and education form community which delivers the range of services and support needed to grow tomorrow's Microsoft generation. Initially created to prepare students for the MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Administrator), MSCE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer), MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator), and MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certifications, it now expanded to include lower level courses. Some of the courses include: Web design; Web mastering and Windows Essentials; The Internet enables anytime, anywhere learning for all students, regardless of location, religion, gender, or race. The Microsoft Certifications track is continually updated. It includes the latest Microsoft software and OS. For example in MCSE it all started with Windows NT then was updated with windows 2000 and recently the released the windows XP version. The Internet has the power to change the way people learn, work, and play, and the Microsoft Certifications Tracks is the leading in providing, facilitating and transforming to this new way of education. Redefining IT: Network efficiencies, interactivity, multimedia, personalization, and network widening, made Microsoft come up with a multiple choice of courses to let workers and students have more efficiency, knowledge and specialization in the different IT tasks. The Microsoft courses integrate e-learning applications for authoring, management, and assessment with rich media content, delivery, and a network infrastructure. Implemented as the e-learning environment of the Microsoft IT certification Tracks in 1998. It brought many important new capabilities. These include global scalability, lack of extensive integration needed for implementation, a distributed architecture with sophisticated caching to avoid latency, the ability to deliver rich media and interactive components seamlessly, a clearly defined pedagogical hierarchy for authoring, personalized feedback, and the use of Web-based open standards. The Microsoft IT Certification tracks, is a worldwide effort designed to teach Internet technology skills to youth and adults. The Microsoft Certification track is also helping to transform education as the world's largest e-learning laboratory.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Online vs. Traditional Education Essay

Have you ever had the opportunity to take online classes? Have you even heard of online classes? If you haven’t, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Online education is rapidly becoming a popular alternative to traditional education. It is offering more flexibility for students and providing individuals with better opportunities for postsecondary education. Even though traditional education has been the only form of education for hundreds of years, online education offers a new and improved style of learning. When people think of education, they think of a classroom filled with desks, paper, books, and other students. After all, this is how humans have been taught for generations. This is an example of traditional education. Traditional education is when students attend a school and are taught in a formal classroom setting. There is an instructor that teaches the class by giving demonstrations or by lecturing. It allows the students to have face-to-face interaction with the instructor or their fellow students. Traditional education has never been very flexible. There are scheduled times for class and working around that schedule can prove to be difficult. Often times, life events can conflict with the class schedule. This can cause students to miss class and fall behind in their work. While traditional education is not very flexible, online education is. Online education is the use of technology to share educational information and to teach students. It often only requires a computer and an Internet connection. The classroom setting of an online education can be anywhere. You can work from the comfort of your own home or while you are at the library. As long as you have access to a computer with Internet, you can go to school. In many situations, you can also complete the school work on your own time. That way if something comes up at the last minute, you still have the ability to complete your school work without losing points. It also allows students to continue to work at their job while taking classes. This is a very nice convenience to have, especially for individuals who have a family or have a job to work around. Online education can also be much cheaper than traditional education. It is not uncommon for tuition at online schools to be lower than that of a traditional school, although this is certainly not true of all online programs. In addition, costs associated with things like commuting, classroom supplies, and housing are not relevant in an online learning environment. Some programs may not require students to purchase textbooks or provide the material online. Usually, students can download all of their materials needed for class, such as assignments or textbooks, straight from their online classroom. The lower costs of an online education are a key factor for its rising popularity. Another large factor to consider when choosing a form of education is the availability of resources. Most traditional schools have a vast amount of resources. They often have at least one library, science labs, computer labs, and other resources that make the learning experience easier. The only problem is that some of these resources have limited access. They are only open during certain hours and may even be closed some days. This reduces a student’s flexibility and may affect their ability to complete work on time. Online education, on the other hand, offers resources that are available 24/7. The resources are all online, so there is no need to have a closing time or open hours. They are at the students’ fingertips and only require the click of a button. They may even offer more resources than you would find at a traditional school. Resources such as a free plagiarism checker or a grammar review are usually not available to students in a traditional classroom setting. These resources can give online students the upper hand in education and will allow them to perform at a higher level. The biggest difference between traditional and online education is the method of communication. In traditional education, everything is face-to-face. The students interact with the teacher directly and the discussion occurs only in the classroom. This face-to-face interaction allows the students to build social skills and form relationships with other classmates. The only downfall there is with this method is that once the class is over, it can be difficult to contact the instructor if a question or problem would arise. In online education, communication is much different. Students can be thousands of miles apart and live in different time zones. Therefore there cannot be any face-to-face interaction. Instead, online education relies on instant messaging through a forum. It is very similar to a chat room. This is where the majority of the communication takes place. Students can communicate with the instructor and with each other by posting messages and waiting for a reply. This makes it very easy to get a hold of other people, no matter the time of day. The downfall with this method is that sometimes it can take a while before you receive a reply. However, online courses require a certain amount of participation so the question will be addressed before too long. Many people question the amount of work that online students do. Some even say that online colleges should not be as credible as traditional universities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Online education shares many of the same requirements expected by traditional schools. Online students write research papers, have to create projects, and take finals just like any other student. In fact, many online schools have traditional campuses and have the same requirements for both campus and online students. It does not matter which form of education an individual chooses. They will be required to do the same amount of work in order to attain their degree. For years I thought traditional education was the only way to go. I was a firm believer in the traditional ways and never thought that you could get the same education by sitting on a computer. Now that I have experience in both forms of education, I can see why so many people are switching to online programs. The flexibility of online classes and the vast amount of resources make it more user friendly than ever before. The popularity of online education is on the rise and will continue to increase as more people switch from the traditional ways.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

However Fahn

However, the street celebrations that accompanied the British and French declaration of war gives historians the impression that the move was popular and politicians tend to go with the popular mood. Was much done to avoid the start of the war? By 1914, Europe had divided into two camps. The Triple Alliance was Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. The Triple Entente wasBritain, France and Russia. The alliance between Germany and Austria was natural. Both spoke the same language – German – and had a similar culture. In previous centuries, they had both been part of the same empire – the Holy Roman Empire.Austria was in political trouble in the south-east of Europe – the Balkans. She needed the might of Germany to back her up if trouble got worse. Italy had Joined these countries as sne teared their power on ner northern border. Germany was mainland Europe's most powerful country – so from Italy's point of view, being an ally of Germany was an obvious move. Each member of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria nd Italy) promised to help the others if they were attacked by another country. The Triple Entente was less structured than the Triple Alliance. Entente† means understanding and the members of the Entente (Britain, France and Russia) did not have to promise to help the other two if they got attacked by other countries but the understanding was that each member would support the others – but it was not fixed. France was suspicious of Germany. She had a huge army but a poor navy. Britain had the world's most powerful naw and a small army. France and Britain Joining together in an understanding was natural. Britain was also concerned about Germany because she was building up a new and powerful navy. The inclusion of Russia seemed odd when Russia was so far from France and Britain.However, Russia's royal family, the Romanovs, was related to the British Royal Family. Russia also had a huge army and with France on the west of Europe and Russia on the east, the ‘message' sent to Germany was that she was confronted by two huge armies on either side of her borders. Therefore, it was not a good move by Germany to provoke trouble in Europe – that was the hoped for message sent out by the Triple Entente. Certain specific problems also helped to create suspicion throughout Europe. The first was Germany's fear of the huge British Empire. By 1900, Britain owned a quarter of the world.Countries such as Canada, India, South Africa, Egypt, Australia and New Zealand were owned by Britain as part of the British Empire. Queen Victoria had been crowned Empress of India. Huge amounts of money were made from these colonies and Britain had a powerful military presence in all parts of the world. The Empire was seen as the status symbol of a country that was the most powerful in the world. Hence Britain's title â€Å"Great Britain†. Germany clearly believed that a sign of a great power was posses sion of overseas colonies. The ‘best' had already been taken by Britain but Germany resolved to gain as much colonial territory as possible.Her main target was Africa. She colonised territory in southern Africa (now Namibia) which no-one really wanted as it was useless desert but it did create much anger in London as Germany's new territories were near South Africa with its huge diamond and gold reserves. In reality, Germany's African colonies were of little economic importance but it gave her the opportunity to demonstrate to the German people hat she had Great Power status even if this did make relations with Britain more fragile than was perhaps necessary for the economic returns Germany got from her colonies.A second issue that caused much friction between Britain and Germany was Germany's desire to increase the size of her navy. Britain accepted that Germany, as a large land-based country, needed a large army. But Germany had a very small coastline and Britain coul d not accep na Germany needed a large navy. Postcard from 1912 of the Spithead review of Britain's Navvy Britain concluded that Germany's desire to increase the size of her naw was to hreaten Britain's naval might in the North Sea.The British government concluded that as an island we needed a large naw and they could not accept any challenges from Germany. As a result, a naval race took place. Both countries spent vast sums of money building new warships and the cost soared when Britain launched a new type of battleship – the Dreadnought. Germany immediately responded by building her equivalent. Such a move did little to improve relations between Britain and Germany. All it did was to increase tension between the two nations.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ask Yourself Are You Happy In Your Current Job

Ask Yourself Are You Happy In Your Current Job You’re happy to have a job, of course. But are you really happy in your job? If you want the best of all worlds- i.e. to live to work rather than work to live, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself whether you are actually happy where you are- or whether you could be happier somewhere else, doing something else. Have no idea how to figure this one out? Try asking yourself the following questions.1. What do you care about?Step one is to identify your passion. Figure out what gets you really jazzed up. It might be in a whole different career field entirely- you’ll never know until you do the soul searching necessary to find out. What do you enjoy? Writing? Working as a group? Working with your hands? No idea is too stupid. Figure out what really makes you excited and then figure out how to pursue it as a second step.2. What do you do best?Identifying your strengths is a good next step. Can any of them work laterally? For example, can you move to a slightly different field or totally different position that’s more suited to what you really care about purely by repurposing the skills you already have? Think a bit differently about what you can actually do- not just what you’ve studies and what you’ve been doing.3. Are you proud of your company?Does the company culture make you feel great about working where you do? Is this a challenging environment that also offers rewards and some degree of fulfillment? If you can’t excel where you are, and are not empowered to achieve your very best, then you might consider moving around.4. How’s your boss?This actually makes a massive difference. If you have a good rapport and a relationship built on mutual respect and trust, that goes a very long way toward job satisfaction. If your boss isn’t helping you to grow, then perhaps your happiness will suffer.5. What’s your role?Are you part of the solution? In the challenges facing your company and the world, does your position matter? Does the work you do every day make active gains in working toward an answer? Or do you feel like you’re irrelevant- or just part of the problem? Look back at your job description. Is your role part of the company’s boarder mission? Are you doing work that includes what made you excited to work there in the first place? Or just pushing paper and twiddling your thumbs?6. Is your network growing?A good job is one that will help you to expand your network? If you’re constantly meeting new people and being inspired and challenged by what the other people in your industry are doing, you’ll be much less bored where you are. You might even have a great lead for where to end up next!7. How’s communication?Start paying attention to how your company communicates- with everyone. This includes the interview process. Are people personable? Professional? Punctual with responses to questions and their share of the work? Are the bosses totall y hands off, or does everyone feel like they have a stake in the mission at hand? How are you and others evaluated? Fairly? Constructively?8. How do your colleagues feel?If everyone else is wildly thrilled where they are at your company, and you’ve determined that you’re at least in the right field or job, then perhaps there are deeper problems with your lack of satisfaction than can be fixed by switching careers. But if you uncover a lot of similar gripes to yours? It might be time to go back to Step 1 and start thinking about where you might go next.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Understanding Si Clauses in French

Understanding 'Si' Clauses in French Si clauses or conditionals produce conditional sentences, with one clause stating a condition or possibility and a second clause naming a result produced by that condition. In English, such sentences are called if/then constructions. The French si, of course, means if in English. There is no equivalent for then per se in French conditional sentences. There are different types of si clauses, but they all have two things in common: The English result clause might be preceded by then, but there is no equivalent word preceding the French result clause. Si tu conduis, je paierai. If you drive, (then) Ill pay. The clauses can be in one of two orders: Either the  si clause is followed by the result clause, or the result clause is followed by the  si clause. Both work as long as the verb forms are paired correctly and si  is placed in front of the condition. Je paierai si tu conduis. Ill pay if you drive. Types of Si  Clauses Si  clauses are divided into types based on the likeliness of what is stated in the result clause: what does, will, would, or would have happened if....The first verb form listed for each type names the condition upon which the result depends; the result is indicated by the second verb form. First conditional: Likely / Potentiel   Present or present perfect present, future  or imperativeSecond conditional: Unlikely / Irrà ©el du prà ©sent Imperfect conditionalThird conditional: Impossible / Irrà ©el du passà © Pluperfect conditional perfect  Ã‚   These verb pairings are very specific: for example, in the second conditional, you can only use the imperfect in the si clause and the conditional in the result clause. Memorizing these pairings is probably the most difficult part of si clauses. Its important to memorize  the rules concerning the sequence of tenses. The term conditional here refers to the condition being named; it does not mean that the conditional mood is necessarily used in the conditional sentence. As shown above, the conditional mood is not used in the first conditional, and even in the second and third conditional, the conditional mood does not name the condition, but rather the result. First Conditional The first conditional refers to an if-then clause that names a likely situation and the result dependent upon it: something that happens or will happen if something else happens. The term conditional here refers to the condition being named; it does not mean that the  conditional mood  is necessarily used in the conditional sentence.  The conditional mood is not used in the first conditional. The first conditional is formed with the  present tense  or  present perfect  in the  si  clause, and one of three verb forms- present,  future, or  imperative- in the result clause.   Present Present This construction is used for things that happen regularly. The  si  in these sentences could probably be replaced by  quand  (when) with little or no difference in meaning. Sil pleut, nous ne sortons pas. / Nous ne sortons pas sil pleut. If it rains, we dont go out. / We dont go out if it rains.Si je ne veux pas lire, je regarde la tà ©là ©. / Je regarde la tà ©là © si je ne veux pas lire. If I dont want to read, I watch TV. / I watch TV if I dont want to read. Present Future The present future construction is used for events that are likely to occur. The present tense follows  si; it is the situation that is required before the other action will take place. Si jai  le temps, je le ferai. / Je le ferai si jai le temps. If I have time, I will do it. / I will do it if I have time.Si tu à ©tudies, tu rà ©ussiras lexamen. / Tu rà ©ussiras lexamen si tu à ©tudies. If you study, you will pass the test. / Youll pass the test if you study. Present Imperative This construction is used to give an order, assuming that the condition is met. The present tense follows  si; it is the situation that is required before the other action becomes a command. Si tu peux, viens me voir. / Viens me voir si tu peux. If you can, come see me. / Come see me if you can. (If you cant, then dont worry about it.)Si  vous  avez  de  largent,  payez  la facture. / Payez la facture si  vous  avez  de  largent. If you have money, pay the bill. / Pay the bill if you have money. (If you dont have any money, someone else will take care of it.) Passà © composà © Present, Future, or Imperative Si  clauses may also use the  passà © composà ©Ã‚  followed by the present, future, or imperative. These constructions are basically the same as above; the difference is that the condition is in the present perfect rather than the simple present. Si tu as fini, tu peux partir. / Tu peux partir si tu as fini. If you have finished, you can leave.Si tu nas pas fini, tu me le diras. / Tu me le diras si tu nas pas fini. If you havent finished, [you will] tell me.Si tu nas pas fini, dis-le-moi. / Dis-le-moi si tu nas pas fini. If you havent finished, tell me. Second Conditional   The second conditional* expresses something that is contrary to present fact or unlikely to occur: something that would  happen,  if something else happened. The term conditional here refers to the condition being named, not the  conditional mood. In the second conditional, the conditional mood is not used to name the condition itself, but rather the result. For the second conditional, use  si  Ã‚  imperfect  (stating the condition)   conditional  (stating what would happen). Si javais le temps, je le ferais. / Je le ferais si javais le temps. If I had time, I would do it. / I would do it if I had time. (Fact: I dont have time, but if I did [contrary to  fact], I would do it.)Si tu à ©tudiais,  tu  rà ©ussirais   lexamen. / Tu rà ©ussirais   lexamen  si  tu  Ãƒ ©tudiais. If you studied, you would pass the test. / You would pass the test if you studied. (Fact: You dont study, but if you did [unlikely to occur], you would pass the test.) Si  elle  vous  voyait,  elle  vous  aiderait./ Elle  vous  aiderait  si  elle  vous  voyait. If she saw you, she would help you. / She would help you if she saw you. (Fact: She doesnt see you so she isnt helping you [but if you get her attention, she will].) Third Conditional The third conditional* is a conditional sentence that expresses a hypothetical situation that is contrary to past fact: something that would have happened if something else had happened. The term conditional here refers to the condition being named, not the  conditional mood. In the third conditional, the conditional mood is not used to name the condition itself, but rather the result. To form the third conditional, use  si  Ã‚  pluperfect  (to explain what would have had to occur)   conditional perfect  (what would have been possible). Si javais eu le temps, je laurais fait. / Je laurais fait si javais eu le temps. If I had had time, I would have done it. / I would have done it if I had had time. (Fact: I didnt have time, so I didnt do it.)Si tu  avais  Ãƒ ©tudià ©,  tu  aurais  rà ©ussi   lexamen. / Tu  aurais  rà ©ussi   lexamen  si  tu  avais  Ãƒ ©tudià ©. If you had studied, you would have passed the test. / You would have passed the test if you had studied. (Fact: You didnt study, so you didnt pass the test.)Si  elle  vous  avait  vu,  elle  vous  aurait  aidà ©. / Elle  vous  aurait  aidà © si  elle  vous  avait  vu. If she had seen you, she would have helped you. / She would have helped you if she had seen you. (Fact: She didnt see you, so she didnt help you.) Literary Third Conditional In  literary  or other very formal French, both verbs in the pluperfect conditional perfect construction are replaced by the  second form of the conditional perfect. Si jeusse eu le temps, je leusse fait. / Je leusse fait si jeusse eu le temps. If I had had time, I would have done it.Si vous eussiez à ©tudià ©, vous eussiez rà ©ussi lexamen. / Vous eussiez rà ©ussi lexamen si vous eussiez à ©tudià ©. If you had studied, you would have passed the test.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Non-Cultural And Cultural Factors In Marketing Case Study

Non-Cultural And Cultural Factors In Marketing - Case Study Example A country like India is considered as a developing country as it has not attained a stable market structure while the United Kingdom is a developed country. For such reasons, both categories of countries need special ways to market goods both locally and internationally. To understand the differences in marketing it is important to study the three broad categories like political and economic systems, market infrastructure and consumer behavior. Under this category one can identify the modes of production, purchasing and selling as they are related to the laws, government, and customs of a particular entity. This means that the political and economic system of a country highly affects the marketing strategies not only locally but also internationally. This is so because there are set laws that each government of the country puts up to regulate the production of goods and services of firms. Moreover, political stability is very important in the production and distribution of goods and services. Political stability ensures that a country is not experiencing wars thus the government can make better suggestions on how to develop the country. In addition, political stability increases assurance of companies to continue producing more this means that they will have to market for their goods as the economic status improves. With a stable political and improving the economic status of a country, competition between firms and industr ies increases. This, therefore, makes firms to improve their marketing strategies in order to bit their rivals in sales they make. In addition, as countries improve their economic status, they also improve their technology. Thus they adapt better marketing strategies that use the latest technology. India, as a developing country, has not shown the signs of attaining political stability.